Jewelry eCommerce wesite

Industry – Domain:

Custom Jewelry


Finding the right kind of diamond jewelry as per budget is not an easy job. Because of the busy life and work pressure, it is highly difficult to visit each and every jewelry shop to buy the diamond jewelry. Even if the customer visits all the shops, there is no guarantee that he or she will find the jewelry with right design, good quality, and affordable price. A reliable online store will make the process simple.

To develop an advanced and responsive E-commerce jewelry site with better product listing and product viewing support for the customers who are looking for diamond rings, loose diamonds, bracelets, pendants, earrings, and gems.

Action Taken

Our online and offline jewelry store brings some of the best diamond jewelry with exclusive offers and affordable ornaments. The online store has 24/7 customer service, which allows the customer to clarify their doubts. The store even offers a 360-degree view of different rings. Because of their client proposal scheme, customers will get high-quality rings.

Making custom wedding ring – Just choose a ring setting, choose a diamond shape, color, carat, size and complete the ring selection process. Then add the product to shopping cart and select the address and country for free shipping. USP of this product is diamonds rates are connected with live Rappaport price list.

Technology Used

  • MVC frame work, CodeIgniter
  • PHP, MySQL 5.5
  • JSON
  • Ajax, jQuery
  • HTML5, CSS
  • Virtual ring sizer
  • Responsive E-commerce website with cart, Wishlist, 360-degree hovering view, HTML, and security
  • Filter option
  • Custom Rings comparison
  • Recurring payment option for customers in the form of EMI or installments.

Key attributes of the application

  1. Very simple to browse through products
  2. A quick overview of jewelry
  3. Easy duty and tax calculator
  4. Responsive design selection with ring setting, diamond selection and the finalizing
  5. Easy to contact the customer care through chat and call
  6. Customers can choose any kind of metal and diamond
  7. Better filtering options
  8. Custom design rings
  9. Safe and durable packaging
  10. Handmade jewelry
  11. Different offers for different products
  12. Readymade Rings
  13. Diamond carat selection guide
  14. Free engraving

Outcome & Advantages

  1. 24/7 customer service
  2. Easy to find ring design, diamonds(color, size, shape) to pick as per budget
  3. Availability of a wide variety of designs
  4. Assistance in future decision-making.
  5. Recurring payment method


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