Best Choice e-Commerce – Dropshipping Solution using BigBuy

Industry – Domain:

E-Commerce, Drop Shipping Solution


Selling TV and accessories associated with TV includes many difficulties like warehouse problem, packaging, handling, and shipping issues. Because of these problems, it is hard to concentrate on the business. It even affects the overall revenue of the business. With the help of a facility, which carries out all these functionalities all by itself, will help the seller. Because of this seller can properly concentrate on his business. The warehouse and drop shipping service will create a bridge between the seller and the buyer, without the buyer knowing it.

Developing an online platform, which allows our client(Seller) to sell his product without actually dealing with the physical products, stocks, inventory.

Action Taken

The client does not need to have a warehouse to store the inventory. Whenever a buyer buys a product online in client’s store, all he or she needs to do is to buy the same product from third party vendor through the BestTVchoice services. The client needs to select TV and accessories, add them to the cart, and select the shipping address of the buyer. The client will pay the money to bestTVchoice after deducting his margin through different payment options. After the confirmation, BigBuy(drop-shipping) service will pack the item from their inventory and ships it to the buyer’s address. After the successful shipping and handling, the client will receive the money from the buyer if not prepaid.

Technology Used

  • WordPress, WooCommerce
  • PHP, MySQL 5.5
  • JSON
  • Ajax, jQuery
  • HTML5, CSS
  • BigBuy APIs
  • Stripe API

Key attributes of the application

  1. Quick browsing of product
  2. Selection of different products with availability status
  3. Quick pay services
  4. The direct packaging of products
  5. Easy sign up for the buying process
  6. Managing or paying for a warehouse
  7. Inventory tracking for accounting purpose
  8. Packing, handling and shipping services
  9. Continuous product order placement

Outcome & Advantages

  1. No need to buy products in first hand
  2. No need of warehouse
  3. Quick supply of products
  4. Time and Cost Savings for warehouse, staff, inventory management, shipping management
  5. The company(BigBuy Drop Shippers) will do the packing and shipping
  6. The client will increase revenue with less shipping and handling charges
  7. Low investments
  8. No risk of product damage in the warehouse


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