PropertyR – Real Estate

Project Summary ( Real Estate, Investment )

The truth of the matter is that the real estate market hardly lacks an opportunity for businessmen. As a real estate professional or an investor, there is always a business window open somewhere, but the sad part is that people are always limited in their choices, and these wrong choices have always affected the market in a negative way.

Hence, the big question is, How can the right people be connected so they can do business together? How can the right real estate professional meet with the right investor? This is the only thing that can encourage absolute growth in this industry.

Real Estate, Investment


The traditional real estate market has so many limitations. This development has not helped the market in terms of the rate of its expansion. As such, PropertyR is doing everything possible to make sure they create an enabling environment where real estate professionals and investors can meet and do business comfortably.

Action Taken

PropertyR with the help of their professionals and tech know-how was able to come up with a web application that can bring all the players in the real estate market to a single platform. They have ensured that real estate professionals and Investors can now do business by simply logging on to a web application. They just bridged the gap that has existed between both parties for a long time.

Technology Used

  • CodeIgniter, MySQL
  • JSON
  • Ajax, jQuery
  • HTML5, CSS

Key Attributes of Application

  1. Easy registration process.
  2. Instant access to the market from your computing device
  3. More opportunities for investors and real estate professionals
  4. Real estate trading market on the same platform
  5. All transactions are highly secured.

Outcomes and Advantages

  1. Participating in the market is as easy as signing up with the platform.
  2. Fully compliant with all government policies and regulations
  3. Your chances of doing business with more clients are better off since it is web-based
  4. Available information at your fingertips by simply viewing your dashboard
  5. You can simply do business anywhere.


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