Javascript Development


JavaScript is a JIT-compiled programming language. It is typically used as the scripting language for web pages. JavaScript development entails the use of JSDT (JavaScript Development Tools) to create plug-ins. The plug-ins execute an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for supporting the development of JavaScript for the web applications and JavaScript applications.

What’s in JSDT currently?

So far, the JSDT architecture is advanced and includes Neon and a bundle of new features. The main components of JSDT include JSDT Core, JSDT UI, JSDT Debut and JSDT Web. JSDT Core entails DOM, parser, and others while JSDT UI entails wizards, preferences, dialogs and things
that make up the JavaScript IDE.

JSDT Debug entails support for debugging JavaScript with Crossfire and Rhino. The JSDT Web includes everything to do with the web pages or Client-side JavaScript that is executed in WTP’s Source Editing. Another point to note is that the current JSDT debut component is extremely responsive to bug reports, feature requests and more.

Why use JavaScript?

This is one of those programming languages that have advanced a lot over the years. Now it has become an imperative feature of interactive web applications. It offers rich and solid frameworks, IDEs and tools that most developers enjoy using.

How we can help?

Maven Infotech provide experienced JavaScript developer/Front-end developer that you can depend on. We can developer and enhance your website with JavaScript, JQuery, Angular JS and with Node.js. Our experience developer will help you to analyse your website and guide improvement area. He/She will help you integrating JavaScript frameworks to speedup the page and cache pages so that web page load time will be increase and site renders quickly.


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